Unhappiness, desire to change, health problems related to excess weight… is a common goal for many people. Questions often arise on this subject: what diet should we choose? What exactly should we eat? What diet should I adopt?
What sport to practice? What exercises should I do? Faced with these questions, here are some easy tips to integrate into daily life to lose weight permanently.
Sustainable weight loss: our practical advice
To change your diet, you must moderately reduce your caloric intake, i.e. first of all fats and fast sugars. It is absolutely necessary to respect the good eating habits (see “The guide to good eating habits”) by adding a few simple rules.
Do not skip meals, especially breakfast, which must remain hearty. Have a light meal in the evening;
Wait until you are hungry before eating. It is important to distinguish between craving and hunger. For example, if you feel like eating candy or chocolate, full of sugar, it is not necessarily hunger, but greed. So be careful to separate the two and if you feel hungry, choose a healthy snack: a piece of fruit or a handful of oilseeds.
Set a weight loss objective (BMI calculation); the objective of the BMI is to know, according to your weight and height, if you are in the “underweight”, “normal”, “overweight” or “obese” category. It will then be easier to determine how many pounds you need to lose. The BMI also allows you to determine the type of chronic diseases to which you are exposed (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol…).
Don’t eat anything outside of meals. This is a simple, yet essential advice: snacking should be banned when dieting. This bad habit is encouraged by the stress of daily life, boredom, frustration, lack of physical activity … but rarely by hunger (a proper diet must include meals that are satiating enough).
The problem with snacking? The stomach, out of balance, no longer recognizes the “real” sensation of hunger. The result: you eat more and gain weight. To stop this vicious circle, drink a large glass of water or a sugar-free tea as soon as the urge to snack arises.
Eat slowly; another very useful tip to melt the fat stored in the fat cells. Chewing is the first step in digestion: it allows you to finely cut your food and activate the production of salivary enzymes. In short, chewing facilitates the absorption of nutrients and optimizes digestion. It is also useful to feel the sensation of satiety, which usually arrives after twenty minutes. The slower you chew, the less you will need to eat.
Practical, to avoid snacking which favors weight gain!
Continue to eat starchy foods at every meal: pasta, rice, potatoes or bread. They make you feel full and provide the energy you need, as well as fiber. On the other hand, anything that goes with them should be limited: fatty sauces, butter, cheese, cream, etc. Therefore, do not eat starchy foods alone or with a seasoning without sugar, salt or fat;
Eliminate sugary soft drinks; Indeed, they are bad for your health – and for your body – for several reasons: rich in sugar and gas, they promote weight gain and bloating in the stomach. As for the carbon dioxide contained in carbonated water, it can increase your appetite. So, to keep a nice flat belly, it is better to banish these drinks.
Eliminate alcohol and beer. Yes, alcohol is a calorie bomb, almost as rich as fat. When you drink a glass of alcohol, your metabolism will store the sugars in the drink in the form of fat. At the same time, alcohol consumption stimulates the appetite. Aperitifs should therefore be avoided. However, if you still want to have a little pleasure, red wine (about 89 calories) and champagne (80 calories for a glass) are preferable.
Avoid eating outside the home because it is more difficult to control your diet. If you are having a good meal with friends, try to reduce the quantity and never take more than one dish;
Choose lean meats and prefer poultry, without the skin, fish and shellfish; As a reminder, a meat is said to be “lean” when its fat content is less than 10%, such as minced steaks at 5%. Rich in protein but low in fat, lean meats are therefore among the “slimming” foods to be favored.
Beware of hidden fats: avoid all meats in sauce, fatty pork meats, gratins rich in milk, butter or cream, gruyere cheese and eggs, fried foods, pastries and pastries, sweets and chocolate, ice cream, snack cakes… All too rich in fat and/or carbohydrates.
Eat as many vegetables as you like and in all their forms: raw, cooked, or in soup. Indeed, with their high water content and low calorie content, vegetables are superfoods, perfect for losing weight. They are also rich in fiber (soluble and insoluble), which acts on the blood sugar level, the flora and the transit and thus promotes the feeling of satiety.
Eat two fruits a day, but not more. Indeed, some fruits are very rich in sugar. This is the case with persimmons (100 grams of fruit contain 14 grams of sugar) or bananas, for example, which add up to a lot of calories. It is therefore better to consume them in moderation.
Exercise: this tip may seem obvious, but it is no less effective. Regular exercise (with the help of a coach if necessary) is the best way to burn fat and calories. To lose fat overall, especially around the belly, cardio-training is particularly effective. There are many sports to choose from: brisk walking, running, burpees, jumping rope, swimming, cycling… Furthermore, the simple fact of taking the stairs or walking instead of driving increases the metabolism and leads to a significant energy expenditure. This active lifestyle not only allows you to lose weight, but also to stay healthier.
Do not use any medications or special diet foods;
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